Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Told You So

I'm not gonna promise
That I won't say "I told you so"
But don't push me to the point
Where the words just fall
Out of my mouth
I'm not gonna promise
That I won't say "I told you so"
But maybe you should fight for it
Fight for it, fight for it, fight for it

Because with every promise you make
Come day, after day, after week of heartbreak
It was my mistake (I'm sorry)
For putting all my trust in you
Putting all my trust in you

So when the day comes
I will look at you, I will not smile
I will run to a place
Where I can't see your face
Not from here
And when the day comes
That you learn to apologize
I'll look you in the eyes and say
Too little, too late

Because with every promise you make
Comes day, after day, after week of heartbreak
It was my mistake (I'm sorry)
For putting all my trust in you
Putting all my trust in you

I can see all the lies in your eyes
The secrets in your words
You should've gone to someone else
Someone you couldn't hurt
When will the dark nights be over?
I want the bright morning to come,
To be saved by the sun

Because with every promise you make
Comes with day, after day, after week of heartbreak
It was my mistake (I'm sorry)
Your mistake, where's the apology?
For putting all my trust in you
Putting all my trust in you
Putting all my trust in yuou
I hope that you make it through

Never Felt So Alone

Nowhere is safe
Nothing is fair
The fake smile on your face
Compliments the ice in your heart
I will turn and walk away
Before there's nothing left but downhill falls

One, two, three, four's the charm
Four, and I'm out the door

Don't think I'm serious?
Go ahead, test me
Push me a little bit farther
Pretend a little bit stronger
Push me like you never have before
Prepare to say goodbye like you never have before

One, two, three, four's the charm
Right on the money
You think it's funny?
Four, and I'm out the door

Give me the wounds and then bandage them
Never thought I'd doubt calling you a friend
Give me the wounds and bandage them
Never thought I'd doubt calling you my friend

I've never felt so alone
When I wasn't on my own

Friday, August 21, 2009

The New Days

Should we talk?
Should we sit down and talk it out?
Or should we walk around silently?
Would the silence say more
Than any words that could ever flow through our teeth?
Let me say this: I missed you
I missed you

The old days, the good times
They all come flying back to me
Why did they ever end?
Tension, hostility
It all seems a bit sill to me now
Welcome to the new days

I remember
Painfully, I can remember how we said goodbye
Very bitter, very cold
We were so young, but so very old
The arguments got so stupid, and so very old
I say "truce", let's me and you
Be friends again, friends again

The old days, the good times
They all come flying back to me
Why did they ever end?
Tension, hostility
It all seems a bit sill to me now
Welcome to the new days

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Welcome To My Heart

Welcome to the rain
Welcome to the stars
Welcome to the part
Where it gets so hard

Welcome to the sun
You're the only one
That I have ever loved
I thought it was because
You, at one point, felt the same
I guess that was my mistake

Welcome to my heart
I think you'll be here for a while
Deep inside my mind
I guess I'm the one on trial
I thought you'd never leave
At least that's what you said
The voice inside my head
Welcome to my heart

I thought I knew you well
Well enough to tell
That you were givin' up on me
It should've been easy to see

And now I'll always know
That feelings are better left untold
Left out in the cold
Like me

Welcome to my heart
I think you'll be here for a while
Deep inside my mind
I guess I'm the one on trial
I thought you'd never leave
At least that's what you said
The voice inside my head
Welcome to my heart

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Welcome Home

Welcome home
It's good to see your smile again
It's been too long
Since we've talked until the midnight stars
Told us it was time to sleep
But we never listened
Never listened anyway

I know that you don't love me
But I've just got to say
That I've missed you unbelievably
And the way you say my name
I guess I'll just say "see you around"

All alone
Because I know you've got her now
I can see
That my chance has come and gone
Oh, so fast
Now it's my turn to lay and weep
Do you think of me?
Think of me at all?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't Let...

The world will nickel and dime you
Until all you have left is your two cents
Your old TV
And your fashion sense
Don't let time fly away with your dreams
Before you know it
You'll be out of time and have nothing more than
Some ripped jeans, faded photographs
Books with folded corners and
Circles on maps of places you've always wanted to see
I won't let that be me

Don't let, don't let the flower pedals
Fall to the floor
Save them before they die
Don't let, don't let the sky rid
Of all its stars
Sit there and watch them fly, fly by

And don't let your love run off with your soul
Unless you're holding theirs for ransom
In your inner-most heart
Don't let the world
Fade to grey before you see the sunrise from a rooftop
See the fireworks from your front lawn
I wonder what will become of you
If you become nothing yourself
I can't let that be me

Don't let, don't let the flower pedals
Fall to the floor
Save them before they die
Don't let, don't let the sky rid
Of all its stars
Sit there and watch them fly, fly by

There's too much to see
To walk around with your eyes closed
There's too much to do
To be dreading what you've never done
You've got to love life to have one
You've got to have a heart to find love

Don't let, don't let the flower pedals
Fall to the floor
Save them before they die
Don't let, don't let the sky rid
Of all its stars
Sit there and watch them fly, fly by

Monday, June 1, 2009


Sometimes, life is just too difficult
Sometimes, it's just too hard to get up
With the sun
Sometimes, it feels like you're just too far
Sometimes, there's too many people
In this small, small room
Sometimes, I feel too, too hopeless
Sometimes, and I know that I know this
That you don't love me back
Sometimes, it's just too, too much
Sometimes, the pressure gets to my head
Hanging by a thread
Sometimes, I sit to write a song
Almost always, the words don't come out the way I wish
Sometimes, they do
Sometimes, I wake up thinking maybe today will be a good day
Sometimes, it is
Sometimes, I got to bed with you on my mind
Sometimes, you're there when I wake up too
Sometimes, I just sound so stupid
Sometimes, I just don't give a damn
Sometimes, I love you far too much
Sometimes, it's just never enough
Almost always, never enough

That makes noooo sense, but that's what's on my mind right about now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You Treat Me Too Kindly

Once I finally open my eyes
I wake to the greatest surprise
Even all the way across the room
I can see the especially bright twinkle (of your eye)
From the corner of mine
My attention has been stolen
By the room full of velvet, violet roses
The sweet, almost fictitious smell
Fills the room
You treat me too kindly

I rise for the new day
Singing, "It doesn't get better than this,
It doesn't get better than this"
After the roses, I get twelve solid hours
Of kiss after kiss
I whisper in your ear
"Could it possible get better than this?"
You look be in the eyes, squeeze me tight
"This is only the beginning"
You treat me too kindly

You complimented my dress, my shoes
You held the door
There's no way I could lose
Not if I hold onto you
So many thoughts running through my mind
Here on the rooftop, I've lost track of time
Before I know it, you're on one knee
Holding both of my hands in yours
Ever so gracefully
Out comes the small treasure chest
It opens and brightens the entire night sky
You treat me too kindly

Former Friend

Former friend, you've grown up quite nicely
I haven't seen you since nineteen-ninety...
I forget when, way back then
Our hands entangled, our legs, they dangled
From the tire swing in your back yard
I miss the times when we didn't have to try so hard
Our former friendships, they've become empty
They've become dark
They've been filled
But I still feel a void
I stumbled across the faded, crumbled polaroid
I sit, I stare at all the broken toys of my youth
The way-too-small-for-me-now shoes

What I wouldn't give to rewind
To go back in time
Sometimes I can't help but think
"These new friendships, they're just not cutting it"
I can feel the grip
Of the memories, grabbing so tight
Barely holding on by the cold, tired fingertips

Glass Houses

I'm awake at 1AM
I woke as you came in
Tripping, stumbling, knocking things onto the ground
It's a good thing I love you
Or I'd kill you for making so much sound

This apartment may be small and broken
But it's all we got
As long as I'm with you,
Where we are matters not

What it comes down to
Is we all live in glass houses
Live carefully enough
And don't call anyone any names
And you'll never have cold bricks of hatred
Come soaring through your window frame

This world may be large and strained
But it's our only shot, you and me
Live, love and spread the peace
This place is all we got
So treat it gently

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Perfect Harmony

Is it so wrong
To picture myself with you
To dream, my hand in yours
Would it be so bad
To wake up with me every morning
And rest your head next to mine every night
Let me take your worries
And make them mine

You can sing the beautiful melodies
I'll think of us atop a beautiful mountain
Where only you and I can be
Together in perfect harmony

I'll jump into your arms
When I wake up and the floor
Is far too cold for my bare toes
You'll fall so willingly
The soft cotton sheets will catch us, ever so gently
There we will lay, never wanting to get up
I will stay here with you
Dreaming that you will never leave

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Someone So Dear

Pink ribbons
Tie me to the sky
All-the-while these tears of longing to fly
Hold me down
I long to hold your hand
Hold it tight
I'll walk you through
The blinding light
One of millions who have fallen victim
You're one in a billion
Of that, I am certain
Your heavenly brunette hair
Your angelic coffee eyes
Your eyelashes have gone to the wind

I visit your place amongst the grass
Everytime I get the chance
My heart begins to race
Just as I feel your embrace
I close my eyes and hope it's true
As I stand there thinking, could it really be you?
Then it all comes back to me
You are no longer here
The one in my arms
Is someone so dear
We come from different parts of the tree,
My sister and me
We bear the same love
We long for your hugs
I look up to the sky
And can't help but cry
Knowing that it's gonna be a while
Before I see that star twinkle in your eye

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I'm searching for my lost love
He's come from up above the treetops
He's my lost hippie from another city
Another time, I hope he missed me
He came down so slowly and slowly kissed me
He grabbed my hand and there we stood
I said, "Grab my heart, I thought we could
Run forever
We'll race the blinding light,
Sleep through the endings
Of all the bitter fights
Wake up in the morning
Like it's all been done
Before you know it,
We'll be in love, embraced
Above the setting sun
Above the treetops"

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I got the window cracked
Just enough to feel the cool air on my back
I got the curtains drawn
Just enough to let in some sun
And wake me up
I hold you, just tight enough
Just tight enough to feel a live
To take the edge off this numbness
But I refuse to let you mean so much
To my life, I won't let you take another second of it
Another second of it

Saturday, April 25, 2009


You've got the sky above your shoulders
And the earth beneath your feet
Do you ever begin to wonder
If, to someone else, you're obsolete?
Just another heartbeat

You've got the future in front of your eyes
And the past behind your back
You've got to stop
And take a second (think)
What can I do to pick up the slack?

Friday, April 17, 2009

See The Stars

Chasing the sunset
Stopped for a second
To catch my breath
Take a quick photograph
To never forget this feeling of hope
Hope that the world will stay beautiful
Stay full of love
Save someone for everyone
Have a place for everyone
To rest their heads
Heads up high
Heads up high

I am on my knees
Leave some beauty
Some love
For my loved ones
And me

What if
The next generation
Could never see the shining sun
Through the light
Couldn't see the beautiful jade forest
Through the tainted trees
See the shining stars
Through the spaceships in the sky
See the stars
See the stars

Monday, April 13, 2009

Get Going

I woke up from a heavy sleep
A deep, deep dream
Rolled out of bed
And onto the floor
Threw on some kicks, grabbed my keys
And I was out the door
I found my car
Two blocks from where I thought it was
Got in, punched the gas
Just because
The wind blowing through my hair
There's nothing like fresh air
To calm you down
And turn that frown right side round

You gotta get, get, get, get going
Before you just can't go anymore
You gotta get, get, get, get going
Grab your keys, you're out the door

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Written March 27, 2009

Cruising down the highway
I've never felt so far from home
Wind blowing through my hair
I've never felt to relieved to be alone
The seat beside me
Left empty
You've evaded me
For eternity
Now I can be left
To fall to pieces privately

This open road
Has never felt so tight to me
I can't breathe
I can't see
The clouds are closing in over me

Sunday, March 22, 2009

October Sunrise

The tops of the hills
On the right
Have been kissed ever so gently
By this October sunrise
I can see the first half
Of the colors of the rainbow
Ever so brightly
Shining in your eyes
I feel the rays beginning to
Touch my skin
The sudden surrealness of the moment
Is making me grin
Second by second
This October sunrise
Is making the world come alive

A spectrum of colors
Appears in the clouds up above
I'm falling in love
Under this October sunrise

Photo by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kruggg6/


Written December 22, 2008

I see you
You look so familiar
Staning on the other side of my room
You're looking at me
Like I'm supposed to know you from before
You're making it very hard for me to breathe

Three minutes, three minutes
Til it's done
And our only chance (our only shot)
Escapes us

I can feel your embrace
My heart's starting to race
Your eyes have caught mine
I think it's time (yes, it's time)
To break the rules
And color outside the lines

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Could It Be

I won't say it
Trust me
I've already thought it
Fought it
Through a million times
Deep down, all the way
To the vine
Of this love for you
That's growing deep inside
Of me

Could it be, could it be
That after all I've done (all I've done)
You'd still stand by me
Could it be, could it be
That I still love you so
Oh no, Oh no
Could it be

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Unwound, Unbound

Written August 25th, 2008

March 22, 2009: I just fixed this one! There was a TON of type-o's.

The waves
Will crash down on our arms
They will carry away our hearts
Tangled up and lost in the middle
Of nowhere and everywhere
All at once
Cause our hearts
Filled with faces and feelings
Are bigger than all our worlds and words combined
Filled with mixed emotions
Waiting for an explosion
I've become your flotation device
Per my own device

Ropes, unwound, pull me back
I've fallen off track
With you

I never thought I'd go down this road
Would've thought I'd go down this road?
I never thought my own feelings would be
Unknown to my own heart
It's not your fault, it's not your fault
I've become unbound, I have no longer found
A way to fill your arms

Ropes, unwound, pull me back
I've fallen off track
With you (it's true)

Fill the clouds
With laughter
Let it come down on us
I trust you know what to do
To have it all is to know that you do
It's true
To get you back, to regain the slack
Please don't come unbound from me

Ropes, unwound, untrue, pull me back
I've fallen off track
With you

Ropes, untrue, un-you, I'm under you
Your words, pull me back
I've lost my track back to you

Why The Stars Shine

I'll tell you, I'll tell you
I'm right this time
I've thought it out thoroughly
My darling, I'd bet my last dime
That I can tell you why the stars shine

I was positive I knew it before
When I found out the truth
I nearly fell to the floor
What's the use, in living
If you can't look to the sky and see the stars shine?

Here's the deal
When you were mine
And I used to look deeply into your eyes
I could see the little white lights (even in the daytime)
Now it's all part of the past, and I no longer see the stars shine

I'll tell you, I'll tell you why
The stars shine
I've tested many theories
This scientific question has become a part of me
The secret lies in the iris
The door to the soul, your soul, my soul
My darling, someone once told me
They could see
Little white specs in my eyes, you see
And in that very second, it all made sense
The stars in the sky
Shined the second your eyes met mine

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Even If It Kills Me..

I'm breaking down doors
Busting open roof tops
Sliding on floors
And pushing away rain drops
Losing myself
Losing my mind
Going crazy
I think it's time to apologize

I'm sorry
I'll stop, I'll stop
I'm sorry
I'll stop, I'll stop
I'm sorry
I'll stop, I'll stop

You've gotta tell me
When I'm pushing you too hard
I can't see
That I'm playing all my cards (to soon)
I'll let you go
Set it all free
Even if it kills me
It's time for me to run away (away)

I'm sorry
I'll stop, I'll stop
I'm sorry
I'll stop, I'll stop
I'm sorry
I'll stop, I'll stop