Monday, June 1, 2009


Sometimes, life is just too difficult
Sometimes, it's just too hard to get up
With the sun
Sometimes, it feels like you're just too far
Sometimes, there's too many people
In this small, small room
Sometimes, I feel too, too hopeless
Sometimes, and I know that I know this
That you don't love me back
Sometimes, it's just too, too much
Sometimes, the pressure gets to my head
Hanging by a thread
Sometimes, I sit to write a song
Almost always, the words don't come out the way I wish
Sometimes, they do
Sometimes, I wake up thinking maybe today will be a good day
Sometimes, it is
Sometimes, I got to bed with you on my mind
Sometimes, you're there when I wake up too
Sometimes, I just sound so stupid
Sometimes, I just don't give a damn
Sometimes, I love you far too much
Sometimes, it's just never enough
Almost always, never enough

That makes noooo sense, but that's what's on my mind right about now.

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