Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Never Felt So Alone

Nowhere is safe
Nothing is fair
The fake smile on your face
Compliments the ice in your heart
I will turn and walk away
Before there's nothing left but downhill falls

One, two, three, four's the charm
Four, and I'm out the door

Don't think I'm serious?
Go ahead, test me
Push me a little bit farther
Pretend a little bit stronger
Push me like you never have before
Prepare to say goodbye like you never have before

One, two, three, four's the charm
Right on the money
You think it's funny?
Four, and I'm out the door

Give me the wounds and then bandage them
Never thought I'd doubt calling you a friend
Give me the wounds and bandage them
Never thought I'd doubt calling you my friend

I've never felt so alone
When I wasn't on my own

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