Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You Treat Me Too Kindly

Once I finally open my eyes
I wake to the greatest surprise
Even all the way across the room
I can see the especially bright twinkle (of your eye)
From the corner of mine
My attention has been stolen
By the room full of velvet, violet roses
The sweet, almost fictitious smell
Fills the room
You treat me too kindly

I rise for the new day
Singing, "It doesn't get better than this,
It doesn't get better than this"
After the roses, I get twelve solid hours
Of kiss after kiss
I whisper in your ear
"Could it possible get better than this?"
You look be in the eyes, squeeze me tight
"This is only the beginning"
You treat me too kindly

You complimented my dress, my shoes
You held the door
There's no way I could lose
Not if I hold onto you
So many thoughts running through my mind
Here on the rooftop, I've lost track of time
Before I know it, you're on one knee
Holding both of my hands in yours
Ever so gracefully
Out comes the small treasure chest
It opens and brightens the entire night sky
You treat me too kindly

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