Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Written March 27, 2009

Cruising down the highway
I've never felt so far from home
Wind blowing through my hair
I've never felt to relieved to be alone
The seat beside me
Left empty
You've evaded me
For eternity
Now I can be left
To fall to pieces privately

This open road
Has never felt so tight to me
I can't breathe
I can't see
The clouds are closing in over me

Sunday, March 22, 2009

October Sunrise

The tops of the hills
On the right
Have been kissed ever so gently
By this October sunrise
I can see the first half
Of the colors of the rainbow
Ever so brightly
Shining in your eyes
I feel the rays beginning to
Touch my skin
The sudden surrealness of the moment
Is making me grin
Second by second
This October sunrise
Is making the world come alive

A spectrum of colors
Appears in the clouds up above
I'm falling in love
Under this October sunrise

Photo by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kruggg6/


Written December 22, 2008

I see you
You look so familiar
Staning on the other side of my room
You're looking at me
Like I'm supposed to know you from before
You're making it very hard for me to breathe

Three minutes, three minutes
Til it's done
And our only chance (our only shot)
Escapes us

I can feel your embrace
My heart's starting to race
Your eyes have caught mine
I think it's time (yes, it's time)
To break the rules
And color outside the lines

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Could It Be

I won't say it
Trust me
I've already thought it
Fought it
Through a million times
Deep down, all the way
To the vine
Of this love for you
That's growing deep inside
Of me

Could it be, could it be
That after all I've done (all I've done)
You'd still stand by me
Could it be, could it be
That I still love you so
Oh no, Oh no
Could it be