Thursday, December 25, 2008

Just To Be Heard

Hello, my love
Take a seat
Take a step back
I've got a question
To ask you
If I spoke the truest words
That have ever tumbled off my lips
Would you listen?
Would you really, really listen?
Would you gaze into my eyes
And give me
The fondest opinion
Your brain could ponder?
If I spoke words
That weren't meant to be heard
Would they flow past your ears
Or would you hear me out?
Just hear me out

I've found myself
Just to be heard
I often find myself
Just to be heard

So, my love
What do you think?
What do you think of me?
Cause I've got this feeling
That I've lost you
Your hands were the sweetest hands
That have ever been laid upon my hips
And to lose you now
My god, to lose you now
It just rips my heart apart
And to have you never again
By my side
Would blow my mind
So make me a promise
Tell me that you really want this
And that you'll never leave my side
Do you heard me now?
Hear me now

I've found myself
Just to be heard
I often find myself
Just to be heard
My god
What I would give just to be heard